  • 作者:佚名    发布日期:2010-04-29    点击率:

职称职务:教授 副院长



Email:  songgw2008yahoo.com.cn





1、    Chengfang Li、Gongwu Song* ,Photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants and detection of chemical oxygen demand by fluorescence methods Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical20091372):432436

2、    Ling Li, Zu Shun Xu, Quan Pan, Gong Wu Song*Determination of nucleic acid based on increased resonance light-scattering  Journal of Fluorine Chemistry,20091306: 567-572

3、    Gongwu Song,Peng MAO,Spectral  Study of interaction be tween poly  [acrylamide- (2- methyl acryloxyethyl)  dimethyl buthylammonium bromide] and nucleic acids Luminescence

4、    Ling Li.Zu Shun Xu,and Gong Wu Song*.Study on the Langmuir Aggregation of Fluorinated Surfactants on Protein.Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 2009,130 (2) :225-230

5、    Ling Li, Gongwu Song, and Guangrong FangDetermination of Bovine Serum Albumin by a Resonance Light-Scattering Technique with a New Mixed-Complex La(C7H5O5S)(phen)3+ Instrumentation Science and Technology, 20937: 631–638,

6、    Ling Li,  Gongwu  Song*,  Guangrong  Fang.Determination of Bovine Serum Albumin
in the Form of Its Triple Complex Fe(bpy)(phen)SO –Myristylpyridinium bromideby Resonance Light-Scattering Technique .Chem. Anal.
(Warsaw),2009 54, 99108

7、    Juan Chen, Gongwu Song*, Yu He, and Qiujun YanSpectroscopic analysis of the interaction between bilirubin and bovine serum albumin Microchim Acta2007159: 7985

8、    Ling Li,Gongwu Song * Determination Of Bovine Serum Albbumin by Resonance Light-Scattering Technique With the Mixed-Complex Fe(bpy)(phen)2+,American Biothchnology Laboratory,2008, 268):14-15

9、    Qi-Chao Zou, Qiu-Jun Yan, Gong-Wu Song, Shi-Lin Zhang and Li-Min Wu ,Detection of DNA using cationic polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane nanoparticles as the probe by resonance light scattering technique  Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2007,22(7):1461-1465

10、Yu He ,Gongwu Song*,Spectra analysis of interaction between poly [(2-methylacry- loxyethyl) dimethyl buthylammonium bromide] and nucleic acids, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,2005, 106/1 325-330

11、Ling Li, Gongwu Song, Guangrong FangDetermination of bovine serum albumin by a resonance light-scattering technique with the mixed-complex La(Phth)(phen)3+ Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2006 (40) 1198–1201

12、Gong Wu Song*, Ling Li and Guang Rong Fang, Determination of Nucleic Acids by Resonance Technique with  La(bpy)(phen)Cl3  Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy 2005205):6064

13、Gongwu Song,  Qiujun Yan, and Yu HeStudies on Interaction of Norfloxacin, Cu2+,and DNA by Spectral Methods Journal of Fluorescence, 2005155):673678

14、Gongwu Song*, Yu He, and Zhaoxia Cai The Fluorescence Studies of Interaction between 4-(n -2’ -Glucosyl) Acetamidyl Triphenyl Phosphonium Chlorid and DNA, Analytical Letters ,2005, 38(3):441-451

15、Gongwu Song*, Yu He, and Zhaoxia Cai,The Interaction Between Levofloxacine Hydrochloride and DNA Mediated by Cu2+  Journal of Fluorescence, 2004146 :705-710

16、Gongwu Song*,Y. He and Z. Cai,A Fluorescence Spectroscopic Study of the Interaction Between Norfloxacin and DNA . Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy 2004 493:203-209   

17、Gongwu Song*, Li L, Cai ZX, Fang GR, Liu LM, Lu SF, He ZK, Zeng Y Fluorometric determination of DNA using a nucleic acid probe Ru(bpy)(2)PIP(VI) CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL SCIENCES AND SPECTROSCOPY 200449 (2): 73-77

18、Gong-Wu Song,Zhao-Xiao Cai,Yu He And Zhao-Wen Lou, The fluorescence studies of interaction between 4-(n-2′-glucosyl) butyramidyl triphenyl  phosphonium chloride and DNA Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2004 102/2. 320-324

19、Gongwu Song* Xia Cai  Ling Li,Study of the interaction of butyl rodamin B with DNA and the determination of DNA bansed on resonance light scattering , Indian Journal of Chemistry, 2004 ( 42A ) :1099-1101

20、Gongwu Song*  Zhao Xia Cai ,Studies on the Interaction of Enoxacin, Fe(III), and DNA by Spectral Methods,  Analytical Letters ,2003, 36 (14 ):3051 - 3062

21、Gong Wu Song  Zhao Xia Cai  Ling Li,Determination of Nucleic Acid Using the Resonance Light Scattering Techique with the Mixed Complex La(phthalic acid), Microchim. Acta 144,23-27(2004).

22、Gongwu Song*, Ling Li, and Zhaoxia Cai,Determination of nucleic acid by resonance light scattering with the mixed complexes Fe(bpy) (phen)SO4 , American Biotecghnology Laboratory,2003,21(10):48-52

23、Gongwu Song*,Li Ling,Fluorometric  determination of DNA using a new ruthenium complex Ru(bpy)2PIP(Ⅴ) as a nucleic acid probe , Anal Sci, 2002,18(7):757-759


1、 生物分子相互作用的光、电化学研究及其分析应用,2009年获得湖北省自然科学二等奖

2、 药物小分子DNA作用的光谱研究与分析应用,2006年获中国分析测试协会科学技术成果三等奖。

3、 不锈钢着色新工艺》2006年获得湖北省科技进步奖二等奖

4、 《高抗蚀性氧化膜在不锈钢材料上的应用研究》2006年度获得武汉市科技进步一等奖 









