  • 作者:    发布日期:2018-02-24    点击率:




姓名:   张跃兴




E-mail:    zhangyuexing#sdu.edu.cnzhangyuexing#hubu.edu.cn (将#改成@



(orcid.org/0000-0002-8510-5033; ResearcherID: A-9975-2008; Scopus Author ID: 35263436000)



19989月到20026山东大学化学院 本科 理学学士

20048月到20096山东大学化学院 博士研究生 理学博士



20027月到20047山东大学控制科学与工程学院 辅导员 助教

20042月至20047  中山大学学生处思想教育科 科员

20097月到20117北京科技大学化学系 博士后

20118月到201310比利时那慕尔大学化学系、鲁汶大学联盟 博士后 导师:Benoit Champagne教授

201310月到20149美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校高分子系、化工系、化学系、美国能源部太阳能吸收高分子材料(PHaSE)能源前沿研究中心(EFRC博士后研究员 导师:Dimitrios Maroudas教授、Paul Lahti教授、Thomas Russell教授

20149月至20163沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学太阳能与光伏工程研究中心(SPERC) 研究科学家 导师:Jean-Luc Bredas教授




1. 北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院国际班双语课程 《大学化学》

2. 北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院国际班《大学化学》实验

3. 湖北大学生命科学学院药学专业《物理化学》、《物理化学实验》

4. 28365bet《物理化学实验》

5. 28365bet研究生《量子化学计算方法》



1. 46批中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目 酞菁卟啉类共轭体系配合物及其有序聚集体和聚集行为的理论计算模拟2009

2. 第三批中国博士后科学基金特别资助 酞菁卟啉类功能分子材料的设计及聚集行为和器件性能的理论研究2010

3.   北京科技大学基本科研业务费 共轭体系配合物及其有序聚集体的设计与性能研究2010

4. 北京科技大学基本科研业务费  卟啉酞菁分子材料的设计和器件性能的理论研究FRF-BR-11-024B 2011

5.   比利时那慕尔大学、鲁汶大学联盟博士后研究基金 扫描透射显微镜实验原子尺度光电子和表面锈蚀的第一性原理模拟 2011

6. 湖北大学青年教师基金(2017)、湖北省“百人计划”配套经费(2017



1.  Zhang, Y. X.*; Lahtib, P. M.; Maroudas, D.* Charge transfer properties of diphenyl substituted cyclopentadithiophene organic semiconductors: The role of fluorine and malononitrile substitutions and crystal ordering. Organic Electronics 2017, 50, 130-137. SCI 3.399; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 93, rank 17 of 244, Quartile 1, top 10%.

2.  Chen, X.-L.; Zhang, Y. X.*; Zhang, M.-Y.; Zeng, M.-H.* Bond Order Analysis, Packing Ratio, and Electronic Structures of Two Structural Polymorphs Based on Manganese Complexes.Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2017, 35, 927-930. DOI: 10.1002/cjoc.201600747. 第一通讯, SCI 1.852.



1.      Zhang, Y. X.; Cai, X.; Bian, Y. Z. ; Jiang, J. Z.,Organic Semiconductors of Phthalocyanine Compounds for Field Effect Transistors (FETs).Structure and Bonding 2010, 135, 275–322. In Functional Phthalocyanine Molecular Materials. D. M. P. Mingos Ed., Springer Press. SCI 1.753. 化学4区,引用45,排除自己他引42,排除全部他引31

2.     Bian, Y. Z.; Zhang, Y. X.; Ou, Z. P.; Jiang, J. Z., Chemistry of Sandwich Tetrapyrrole Rare Earth Complexes, In Handbook of Porphyrin Science; Kadish, K. M.; Smith, K. M.; Guilard, R., Eds.; World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.: Singapore; 2011, Vol. 14, chapter 64, pp. 249-460.



1.       Zhang Ming-Yuan#, Wang Zhenxing#, Yang Tao#, Zhang Yuexing#, Ma, Xiong-FengSun Yi-Chen, Ouyang Zhong-Wen, Kurmoo Mohamedally, Zeng Ming-Hua*, Supramolecular Interactions Direct the Formation of Two Structural Polymorphs from One Building Unit in a One-Pot Synthesis.   Chemistry-a European Journal 2016, 22, 13900-13907. 共同第一作者, SCI 5.771,化学2引用0次,排除自己他引0次,排除全部他引0; ; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 92, rank 28 of 354, Quartile 1, top 10%..   

2.        Zhang, Y. X.#; Cai, X.; Yao, P.; Xu, H.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z.*, Location of the hole and acid proton in neutral nonprotonated and protonated mixed (phthalocyaninato)(porphyrinato) yttrium double-decker complexes: Density functional theory calculations. Chemistry-a European Journal 2007, 13, 9503-9514. 共同第一作者, SCI 5.771, 化学2区,引用35,排除自己他引22,排除全部他引9; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 92, rank 28 of 354, Quartile 1, top 10%.

3.       Zhang, Y. X.#; Steyrleuthner, R.; Bredas, J. L.*, Charge Delocalization in Oligomers of Poly(2,5-bis(3-alkylthiophene-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene) (PBTTT). Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2016,120, 96719677. 第一作者, SCI 4.509, 化学2top,引用1,排除自己他引1,排除全部他引1; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 94, rank 6 of 107, Quartile 1, top 10%.

4.       Zhang, Y. X.; Champagne, B., Understanding the Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of One-Dimensional Ruthenium(II) Ammine Complexes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013, 117, 1833-1848. 第一作者, SCI 4.509,化学2top引用15,排除自己他引14,排除全部他引13; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 94, rank 6 of 107, Quartile 1, top 10%.

5.       Zhang, Y. X.; Champagne, B., Theoretical Insight into the Second-Order NLO Response of the Bis{4-[2-(4-pyridyl)ethenyl]benzoato}-zinc(II) Metal–Organic Framework. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012,116, 21973–21981. 第一作者, SCI 4.509, 化学2top,引用8,排除自己他引7,排除全部他引6; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 94, rank 6 of 107, Quartile 1, top 10%.

6.       Zhong, A. M.; Bian, Y. Z.; Zhang, Y. X.*, Semiconductor Performance of Phthalocyaninato Lead Complex and Its Nonperipheral Substituted Derivatives for Organic Field Effect Transistors: Density Functional Theory Calculations. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010, 114, 3248–3255. 唯一通讯作者, SCI 4.509, 化学2top,引用10,排除自己他引7,排除全部他引7; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 94, rank 6 of 107, Quartile 1, top 10%.

7.       Zhang, Y. X.; Cai, X.; Qi, D. D.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z., Charge Transfer Properties of Bis(phthalocyaninato) Rare Earth (III) Complexes: Intrinsic Ambipolar Semiconductor for Field Effect Transistors. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008, 112, 14579–14588.第一作者, SCI 4.509, 化学2top,引用26,排除自己他引16,排除全部他引13; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 94, rank 6 of 107, Quartile 1, top 10%.

8.       Zhang, Y. X.; Cai, X.; Bian, Y. Z.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Heteroatom substitution of oligothienoacenes: From good p-type semiconductors to good ambipolar semiconductors for organic field-effect transistors. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008, 112, 5148-5159. 第一作者, SCI 4.509, 化学2top,引用52,排除自己他引43,排除全部他引43; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 94, rank 6 of 107, Quartile 1, top 10%.

9.       Shi, X.-X.#; Zhang, Y. X#.; Chen, Q.-J.#; Yin, Z.; Chen, X.-L.; Wang, Z. X.; Ouyang, Z.-W.; Kurmoo, M.; Zeng, M.-H.* Ferromagnetic Coupling in Copper Benzimidazole Chloride: Structural, Mass Spectrometry, Magnetism, and DFT Studies. Dalton Transactions 2017,46, 16663-16670. DOI:  10.1039/c7dt03576d. 共同第一作者,SCI 4.029, 化学2top,引用x,排除自己他引x,排除全部他引x; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 89, rank 7 of 64, Quartile 1.

10.   Zhang, Y. X.*; Lahtib, P. M.; Maroudas, D.* Charge transfer properties of diphenyl substituted cyclopentadithiophene organic semiconductors: The role of fluorine and malononitrile substitutions and crystal ordering. Organic Electronics 2017, 50, 130-137. SCI 3.399; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 93, rank 17 of 244, Quartile 1, top 10%.

11.   Zhang, Y. X.; Cai, X.; Qi, D. D.; Yao, P.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z., Methyloxy substituted heteroleptic bis(phthalocyaninato) yttrium complexes: Density functional calculations. Chemphyschem 2008,9, 781-792. 第一作者, SCI 3.138, 引用13,排除自己他引5,排除全部他引4 ; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 85, rank 24 of 159, Quartile 1.

12.   Zhang, Y. X.; Jiang, J. Z., Circular Dichroism of Chiral 1,8,15,22-Tetra(alkoxyl)phthalocyaninato Lead and Yttrium Complexes: Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Calculations. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2009,113, 12179–12186. 第一作者, SCI 2.883, 引用6,排除自己他引4,排除全部他引2; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 72, rank 40 of 144, Quartile 2.

13.   Zhang, Y. X.; Cai, X.; Zhou, Y.; Zhang, X. X.; Xu, H.; Liu, Z. Q.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Structures and spectroscopic properties of bis(phthalocyaninato) yttrium and lanthanum complexes: Theoretical study based on density functional theory calculations. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2007, 111, 392-400. 第一作者, SCI 2.883, 引用32,排除自己他引17,排除全部他引11;  2016 CiteScore: Percentile 72, rank 40 of 144, Quartile 2.

14.   Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, X. X.; Liu, Z. Q.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z., Structures and properties of 1,8,15,22-tetrasubstituted phthalocyaninato-lead complexes: The substitutional effect study based on density functional theory calculations. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2005,109, 6363-6370.第一作者, SCI 2.883, 引用57,排除自己他引39,排除全部他引21; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 72, rank 40 of 144, Quartile 2.

15.   Zhu, Y. F.; Qi, D. D.; Zhang, L. J.; Wan, L.; Zhang, Y. X.*; Jiang, J. Z., Structures and properties of novel 5,15-di[4-(5-acetylsulfanylpentyloxy)phenyl]porphyrin derivatives: Density functional theory calculations. Science China-Chemistry中国科学:化学 2010, 53, 2183-2192. 唯一通讯作者SCI 2.429; 2016 CiteScore: Percentile 82, rank 64 of 354, Quartile 1.

16.   Zhang, Y. X.; Qi, D. D.; Cai, X.; Jiang, J. Z., Nature of the Near-IR Band in the Electronic Absorption Spectra of Neutral Bis(tetrapyrrole) Rare Earth(III) Complexes: Time-dependent Density Functional Theory Calculations. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry2010, 110, 1559-1564. 第一作者, SCI 2.184.

17.   Zhang, Y. X.; Cai, X.; Zhang, X. X.; Xu, H.; Liu, Z. Q.; Jiang, J. Z., Time-dependent density functional theory studies of the electronic absorption spectra of metallophthalocyanines of group IVA. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2007, 107, 952-961. 第一作者, SCI 2.184, 引用22,排除自己他引17,排除全部他引17

18.   Chen, X.-L.; Zhang, Y. X.*; Zhang, M.-Y.; Zeng, M.-H.* Bond Order Analysis, Packing Ratio, and Electronic Structures of Two Structural Polymorphs Based on Manganese Complexes    Chinese Journal of Chemistry     2017, 35, 927-930. DOI: 10.1002/cjoc.201600747. 第一通讯, SCI 1.852.

19.   Zhang, Y. X.; Castet, F.; Champagne, B., Theoretical investigation of the first hyperpolarizability redox-switching in a ruthenium complex. Chemical Physics Letters 2013, 574,42-46. 第一作者和唯一通讯作者, SCI 1.860, 引用5,排除自己他引5,排除全部他引5

20.   Wan, L.; Qi, D. D.; Zhang, Y. X.*, The effect of b-saturated pyrrolic rings on the electronic structures and aromaticity of magnesium porphyrin derivatives: a density functional study. Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 2011, 30, 15-23. 唯一通讯作者, SCI 1.674,引用9,排除自己他引9,排除全部他引5.

21.   Zhong, A. M.; Zhang, Y. X.*; Bian, Y. Z., Structures and spectroscopic properties of nonperipherally and peripherally substituted metal-free phthalocyanines: a substitution effect study based on density functional theory calculations. Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling, 2010, 29, 470-480. 唯一通讯作者, SCI 1.674引用13,排除自己他引12,排除全部他引11

22.   Wan, L.; Zhang, Y. X.*; Qi, D. D.; Jiang, J. Z., Structures and Properties of 1, 8, 15, 22-Tetrasubstituted Phthalocyaninato Zinc and Nickel Complexes: Substitution and Axially Coordination Effects Study Based on Density Functional Theory Calculations. Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling2010, 28, 842–851. 唯一通讯作者, SCI 1.674,引用14,排除自己他引9,排除全部他引6

23.   Zhang, Y. X.; Yao, P.; Cai, X.; Xu, H.; Zhang, X. X.; Jiang, J. Z., Density functional theory study of the inner hydrogen atom transfer in metal-free porphyrins: Meso-substitutional effects. Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling2007, 26, 319-326. 第一作者, SCI 1.674引用19,排除自己他引9,排除全部他引8

24.   Zhang, Y. X.; Qi, D. D.; Cai, X.; Jiang, J. Z., Vibrational Spectra of Mixed (Phthalocyaninato)(porphyrinato) Yttrium(III) Double-Decker Complexes: Density Functional Theory Calculations. Vibrational Spectroscopy 2009, 51, 184–192. 第一作者, SCI 1.682引用3,排除自己他引3,排除全部他引2

25.    Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, X. X.; Liu, Z. Q.; Xu, H.; Jiang, J. Z., Comparative density functional theory study of the structures and properties of metallophthalocyanines of group IVB. Vibrational Spectroscopy 2006, 40, 289-298. 第一作者, SCI 1.682,引用27,排除自己他引20,排除全部他引20

26.   Guo, R. H.; Zhang, L. J.; Zhang, Y. X.*; Bian, Y. Z., Charge transfer properties of phthalocyaninato zinc complexes for organic field-effect transistors: Tuning semiconductor nature via peripheral substituents. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 2011, 15, 964-972. 唯一通讯作者, SCI 1.087.

27.   Chen, X.-L.; Xu, H.-B.; Shi, X.-X.; Zhang, Y. X.; Yang, T.; Kurmoo, M.; Zeng, M.-H.* Hierarchical Assembly and Aggregation-Induced Enhanced Emission of a Pair of Isostructural Zn14 Clusters. Inorganic Chemistry 2017, 56, 1406914076.

28.   Zhang, M.; Yang, T.; Wang, Z. X.; Ma, X.-F.; Zhang, Y. X.; Greer, S. M.; Stoian, S. A.; Ouyang, Z.-W.; Nojiri, H.; Kurmoo, M.; Zeng, M.-H.* Chemical reaction within a compact non-porous crystal containing molecular clusters without the loss of crystallinity. Chemical Science 2017, 8, 5356-5361. SCI 8.668.

29.   Zeng, M.-H.*; Yin, Z.; Liu, Z.-H.; Xu, H.-B.; Feng, Y.-C.; Hu, Y.-Q.; Chang, L.-X.; Zhang, Y. X.; Huang, J.*; Kurmoo, M. Assembly of a Highly Stable Luminescent Zn5 Cluster and Application to Bio-Imaging.  Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016, 55, 1140711411. SCI 11.709.

30.   Rao, Y.; Kim, T; Park, K. H.; Peng, F.; Liu, L.; Liu, Y.; Wen, B.; Liu, S.; Kirk, S. R.; Wu, L.; Chen, B.; Ma, M.; Zhou, M.; Yin, B.; Zhang, Y. X.; Kim, D.*; Song, J.* π-ExtendedEarring Porphyrins with Multiple Cavities and Near-Infrared Absorption. Angewandte Chemie International Edition2016, 55, 64386442.

31.   Lu, G. F.; Chen, Y. L.;Zhang, Y. X.; Bao, M.; Bian, Y. Z.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Morphology controlled self-assembled nanostructures of sandwich mixed (phthalocyaninato)(porphyrinato) europium triple-deckers. Effect of hydrogen bonding on tuning the intermolecular interaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130, 11623-11630.

32.   Steyrleuthner, R.; Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, L.; Kraffert, F.; Cherniawski, B. P.; Bittl, R.; Briseno, A. L.; Bredas, J.-L.; Behrends, J. Impact of morphology on polaron delocalization in a semicrystalline conjugated polymer.       Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics  2017, 19, 3627-3639. SCI 4.449

33.   Van Cleuvenbergen, S.; Stassen, I.; Gobechiya, E.; Zhang, Y. X.; Markey, K.; De Vos, D. E.; Kirschhock, C.; Champagne, B.; Verbiest, T.; van der Veen, M. A.,  ZIF-8 as Nonlinear Optical Material: Influence of Structure and Synthesis. Chemistry of Materials 2016,28, 3203-3209.

34.   Su, w.; Tang, Z.; Li, P.; Wang G.; Xiao, Q.; Li, Y.; Huang, S.; Gu, Y.; Lai, Z.; Zhang, Y. X.New dinuclear ruthenium arene complexes containing thiosemicarbazone ligands: synthesis, structure and cytotoxic studies. Dalton Transactions 2016,45, 19329-19340. SCI 4.177.

35.   Marin, L.; Van Mierloo, S.; Zhang, Y. X.; Robeyns, K.; Champagne, B.; Adriaensens, P.; Lutsen, L.; Vanderzande, D.; Maes, W.,  Reaction of 4H-cyclopenta[2,1-b:3,4-b ']dthiophenes with NBS-a route toward 2H-cyclopenta[2,1-b:3,4-b ']dithiophene-2,6(4H)-diones. Tetrahedron 2013, 69, 2260-2267.

36.   Marin, L.; Zhang, Y. X.; Robeyns, K.; Champagne, B.; Adriaensens, P.; Lutsen, L.; Vanderzande, D.; Bevk, D.; Maes, W., Trivalent organophosphorus reagent induced pinacol rearrangement of 4H-cyclopenta[2,1-b:3,4-b 0 ]dithiophen-4-one. Tetrahedron Letters 2013, 54, 526-529.

37.   Zhu, P. H.; Zhang, X. W.; Wang, H. L.; Zhang, Y. X.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z.,Ferrocene-Decorated (Phthalocyaninato)(Porphyrinato) Double- and Triple-Decker Rare Earth Complexes: Synthesis, Structure, and Electrochemical Properties. Inorganic Chemistry 2012, 51, 5651–5659.

38.   Wan, L.; Qi, D. D.; Zhang, Y. X.; Jiang, J. Z., Controlling the Directionality of Charge Transfer in Phthalocyaninato Zinc Sensitizer for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell: Density Functional Theory Studies. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2011,13, 16391648.

39.   Qi, D. D.; Zhang, L. J.; Wan, L.; Zhang, Y. X.; Jiang, J. Z., Conformational Effects, Molecular Orbitals, and Reaction Activities of Bis(phthalocyaninato) Lanthanum Double-deckers: Density Functional Theory Calculations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2011, 13, 13277-13286.

40.   Ma, P.; Kan, J. L.; Zhang, Y. X.; Huang, C. H.; Bian, Y. Z.; Chen, Y. L.; Kobayashi, N.; Jiang, J. Z., The first solution-processable n-type phthalocyaninato copper semiconductor: tuning the semiconducting nature via peripheral electron-withdrawing octyloxycarbonyl substituents. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 18552-18559.

41.   Zhang, L. J.; Qi, D. D.; Zhang, Y. X.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z., Density Functional Theory Studies on the Structures and Electronic Communication of Meso-Ferrocenylporphyrins: Long Range Orbital Coupling via Porphyrin Core. Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling. 2011, 29, 717-725.

42.   Qi, D. D.; Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, L. J.; Jiang, J. Z., Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of Fluoroboron-Subtriazaporphyrin Derivatives: Density Functional Theory Approach on the Benzo-Fusing Effect. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2010,114, 1931-1938.

43.   Qi, D. D.; Zhang, L. J.; Zhang, Y.X.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z., Nature of the Intense Near IR Absorption and Unusual Broad UV-Vis-NIR Spectra of Azulenocyanines: Density Functional Theory Studies. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2010,114, 13411-13417.

44.   Chen, Y. L.; Chen, L. N.; Qi, G. J.; Wu, H. X.; Zhang, Y. X.; Xue, L.; Zhu, P. H.; Ma, P.; Li, X. Y., Self-Assembled Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanocomposite of a Perylenetetracarboxylic Diimide Derivative and CdS. Langmuir 2010,26, 12473-12478.

45.   Ma, P.; Chen, Y. L.; Cai, X.; Wang, H. L. ; Zhang, Y. X.; Gao, Y. N.; Jiang, J. Z., Organic field effect transistors based on 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-pentyloxyphenyl)porphyrin single crystal. Synthetic Metals 2010, 160, 510-515.

46.   Cai, X.; Qi, D. D.; Zhang, Y. X.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z., Semiconductor Properties of Perylene Diimide Derivatives. Acta Phys. Chim. Sin. 2010, 26, 1059-1064.

47.   Cai, X.; Zhang, Y. X.; Qi, D. D.; Jiang, J. Z., Density Functional Theory Study on the Semiconducting Properties of Metal Phthalocyanine Compounds: Effect of Axially Coordinated Ligand. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2009,113, (11), 2500-2506.

48.   Zhou, Y.; Zhang, Y. X.; Wang, H. L.; Jiang, J. Z.; Bian, Y. Z.; Muranaka, A.; Kobayashi, N., Mixed (Phthalocyaninato)(Porphyrinato) Rare Earth Double-Decker Complexes with C4 Chirality: Synthesis, Resolution, and Absolute Configuration Assignment. Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 8925–8933.

49.   Qi, D. D.; Zhang, Y. X.; Cai, X.; Jiang, J. Z.; Bai, M., Inner Hydrogen Atom Transfer in Benzo-Fused Low Symmetrical Metal Free Tetraazaporphyrin and Phthalocyanine Analogues: Density Functional Theory Studies. Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 2009, 27, 693-700.

50.   Yao, P.; Han, S. H.; Zhang, Y. X.; Zhang, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of Meso-Tetrasubstituted Porphyrin Complexes: Meso-Substitutional and Central Metallic Effect Study Based on Density Functional Theory Calculations. Vibrational Spectroscopy. 2009, 50, 169–177.

51.   Liang, B. L.; Zhang, Y. X.; Wang, Y. F.; Xu, W.; Li, X. Y., Structures and properties of 1,7-disubstituted perylene tetracarboxylic diimides: The substitutional effect study based on density functional theory calculations. Journal of Molecular Structure 2009, 917, 133–141.

52.   Cai, X.; Sheng, N.; Zhang, Y. X.; Qi, D. D.; Jiang, J. Z., Structure and spectroscopic properties of phthalocyaninato zinc(II) complexes fused with different number of 15-crown-5 moieties. Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2009, 72, 627-635.

53.   Cai, X.; Zhang, Y. X; Qi, D. D.; Jiang, J. Z., Density functional theory study on organic semicon-ductor for field effect transistors: Symmetrical and unsymmetrical porphyrazine derivatives with annu-lated 1,2,5-thiadiazole and 1,4-diamyloxybenzene moieties. Science in China Series B: Chemistry 2009, 52, 840-848.

54.   Feng, J. Q.; Zhang, Y. X.; Zhao, C. T., Li, R. J.; Xu, W.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Cyclophanes of perylene tetracarboxylic diimide with different substituents at bay positions. Chemistry-a European Journal 2008, 14, 7000-7010.

55.   Zhang, X. M.; Muranaka, A.; Lv, W.; Zhang, Y. X.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z.; Kobayashi, N., Optically active mixed phthalocyaninato-porphyrinato rare-earth double-decker complexes: Synthesis, spectroscopy, and solvent-dependent molecular conformations. Chemistry-a European Journal 2008, 14, 4667-4674.

56.   Li, R. J.; Zhang, Y. X.; Zhou, Y.; Dong, S.; Zhang, X. Y.; Bian, Y. Z.; Jiang, J. Z., 1,8,15,22-Tetrasubstituted phthalocyaninato zinc complex: H2O-involved hydrogen bonds formed with the help of side 3-pentyloxy groups at the non-peripheral positions. Crystal Growth & Design 2008, 8, 4454–4459.

57.   Lv, W.; Zhang, X. M.; Lu, J. T.; Zhang, Y. X.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Synthesis and Hollow-Sphere Nanostructures of Optically Active Metal-Free Phthalocyanine. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2008, 4255-4261.

58.   Liu, Q. Y.; Li, Y.; Liu, H. G.; Chen, Y. L.; Wang, X. Y.; Zhang, Y. X.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Nanotubes fabricated from sandwich-type mixed (porphryinato)(phthalocyaninato)europium complex by template technique. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2007, 111, 7298-7301.

59.   Su, W.; Zhang, Y. X.; Zhao, C. T.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Self-assembled organic nanostructures: Effect of substituents on the morphology. Chemphyschem 2007,8, 1857-1862.

60.   Zhao, C. T.; Zhang, Y. X.; Li, R. J.; Li, X. Y.; Jiang, J. Z., Di(alkoxy)- and di(alkylthio)-substituted perylene-3,4;9,10-tetracarboxy diimides with tunable electrochemical and photophysical properties. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2007, 72, 2402-2410.

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1.     Yuexing Zhang, Ming-Hua Zeng, 卟啉酞菁-有机低聚物复合半导体材料电荷传输和离域的理论研究(邀请报告,分会主持人)。中国化学会第四届卟啉与酞菁学术研讨会,时间:201776日—201779日,山东.青岛。

2.     Yuexing Zhang, Theoretical Simulation of Metal Organic Frameworks and Coordination Clusters. The 3 rd International Symposium on Hierarchically Structured Materials: For Green Chemistry, March 27-29, 2017; Wuhan, China.

3.     张跃兴Champagne, B. 金属有机框架配合物二阶非线性光学性质的理论研究. CHINAMUR 2012: IVth Symposium on Chemistry, Material Science, and Related Fields, October 21, 2012; Namur, Belgium.

4.     Zhang, Y. X.; Champagne, B., TDDFT Study on the Optical Absorption Spectra and Second-Order NLO properties of One-Dimensional Ruthenium(II) Ammine Complexes. TD-DFT (Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory) conference, April 23-26, 2013; Nantes, France.

5.     Zhang, Y. X.; Champagne, B., Modeling the Second-Order NLO Response of MOFs and Switching MOFs. IAP 7/05 Workpackage 2 “Supramolecular catalysis, photocatalysis and advanced separations” Work meeting, January 22, 2013; Ghent University, Belgium.

6.     Zhang, Y. X.; Champagne, B., Theoretical Insight into the Second-Order NLO Responses of Metal Organic frameworks (MOFs). QSCP-XVII (XVIIth International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics), August 19-25, 2012; Turku, Finland.